A grey day in rural France..

A grey day in rural France.  Why? you may ask. Well, Hunchback Redux goes beyond the original game and in my re-imagining rescuing Esmeralda is one thing,  but to do it on a glorius sunny day in Summer would be too easy.  So, the game will feature four difficulty levels based on the weather.  

Summer time will be the default difficulty setting, with blue skies and nothing much to challenge Quasimodo - apart from all the usual spears, arrows, cannonballs etc. etc.

Spring time will introduce some grey and showery weather into the mix.

Autumn will bring gusts of wind blowing into Quasimodo's face along those precarious battlements, pushing him back when trying to jump those chasms.

Winter will add a seasoning of snow and ice, to test Quasimodo and he will have to be careful not to slip to an icy death.

In addition to the elements changing, the backgrounds will change to accommodate this - not just colour changes, but the characters sets will be changed for each level of difficulty.  

It also wouldn't be fair to make Quasimodo attempt a rescue of his sweetheart without appropriate attire in changeable weather conditions, so his costume will change both in colour and he may even have a hat for the winter period.  The idea is to make it more entertaining than the original arcade game.  Below, shows his traditional outfit colours from the cover of the Ocean game which was based on the arcade cabinet coin-op, which had two revisions, one with a green outfit and one with a purple outfit.

I've also decided to move the HUD to the bottom of the screen.  Reasons for this are down to the organisation of memory and VIC banks for the game. It means I can take out the HUD into a separate character set and free up more space for the castle graphics. 

Stay tuned for more updates in the months ahead..

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